Archive for the ‘E3’ Tag

2009 E3 Expo: Dates and More

E3 Expo

E3 Expo

The Entertainment Software Association has announced the official date for the E3 Expo. The 2009 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) will be held in the Los Angeles Convention Center from June 2nd to June 4th, 2009.

This event gathers professionals and companies focused primarily on the video games industry, and helps them showcase their new and upcoming products and services to the general public. Much like a car show, but for video games.

The event suffered in the last few years from less and less traffic (because of smaller locations), so this year, the event organizers decided to make things more appealing by thinking BIG.

From the ESA press release: …these changes include increased booth sizes, increased qualified audiences, and an intensified focus on reinforcing the high-octane growth, innovation, and captivating entertainment that are driving the computer and video game industry.

E3 Expo
The Entertainment Software Association